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Events for Kellogg Alumni and TopGrad organized by Ms. Cimino as part of her Volunteer activities:

42 - Lucy's TopGradAlumni Book Club - September 18th, 2005 - "Winning" by Jack Welch and Suzy Welch

We selected the book for our next meeting!  A book that is being discussed in corporations currently: "Winning" by Jack Welch and Suzy WelchIt is in the top seller list of the WSJ and Business Week and received great reviews.  Buy the book and start reading!  Feel free to forward this message and invite your Kellogg/TopGrad friends to our meetings.  I hope to see everyone in our next meeting on September 18th for another great book discussion!  Please RSVP to Lucy Cimino by 09/16/05 .

If you are a Kellogg Alum that received this message from a friend, but are not receiving messages about this book club regularly, send a message to to start receiving information.  This Book Club is open to all Kellogg/TopGrad Alumni.

Best regards,

Chair, Kellogg/TopGrad Alumni Book Club

Details of our Next Meeting on September 18th:

WHAT:  Lucy's Kellogg/TopGradAlumni Book Club - Book: "Winning" by Jack Welch and Suzy Welch Buy the book soon and start reading! 

LOCATION:  Intercontinental Hotel, 505 N. Michigan Avenue, "Living Center" 2nd Fl. (Historic Tower Entrance - Take stairs at the right side to the second level "Living Center")  Note: If you are driving and don't mind walking a few blocks, there is meter parking on the streets around the area, as well as valet parking in the hotel. 

WHEN:  Sunday, September 18th, 2005 - 6:00 to 7:30 PM  (with option for dinner later in a nearby restaurant for those interested in further conversation)

RSVP: Please RSVP to Lucy Cimino, Chair Kellogg/TopGradAlumni Book Club, - Title "Book Club" by 09/16/05

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